Anthemning His name…..

the ramblings of a child of the King….


This seems so timely.  Four years ago at Passion, Whitney and David and I went to a late night session of worship led by Matt Redman, and Nathan & Christy Knockles.  

Christy sang a new hymn they had written called “Choose” and at the time, Whit LOVED this song.  I even contacted her label, but as Watermark had stopped recording, they didn’t have any resources for me to obtain the chords or lyrics or anything.

Well, Christy has released a solo CD today, and this song is on it! It’s cool that this song is now out there.  But I have some questions on it…


Let me be in love with what you love

Let me be most satisfied in you

Forsaking what this world has offered me

I choose to be in love with you

I will choose to be in love with you


In a later verse she sings

Let me know that have loved me first

and let me know the weight of my response

for you have long pursued my wandering heart

I choose to glory in your cross


If you know me at all, you know I am a Calvinist through and through, and hold to the biblical doctrines of reformed theology.  

But the more I grow and walk out my faith each day, the more I realize something.  God did choose me before the foundations of the earth, before time began.  And this choosing had nothing to do with my worth or merit, nor did it happen because God could see into the future and knew that I would choose Him.  He chose me based on nothing of myself or my decisions.  I did not choose Him, not would I ever have chosen Him had He not first chosen me.

But.  (I know.  Bare with me.) But…each day, I feel as though I do choose whether or not to pick up my cross and deny myself.  I feel like denying sin is a conscious choice I must make day in and day out.  So in that regard, I feel as though we do choose to love Him, to forsake the things of this world in light of, or because of the fact that He first chose us. 


Thoughts? Blasphemous? Do tell 🙂


  brianmclain wrote @

Well, I would challenge the “worship song” label to begin with.

Is it blasphemous though? Nah. Especially when it comes to these type songs – Jesus is my boyfriend\romantic – they tend to be more self-centered and individualistic, so the lyrics are appropriate. They’re not meant to be doctrinally sound like true worship music, they’re forms of expression for entertainment value/reflective value. From our perspective, we do choose things everyday – even things regarding our salvation.

  Damaris wrote @

no comment on the song.
but on your last 2 paragraphs I say amen and amen! 🙂 God’s ultimate sovereignty co-existing with personal responsability. one of those paradoxes we live within every day…

  Tracie wrote @

Amen and Amen! He DOES choose us…and it is only because of HIS choosing that we ever have any power or desire, on a daily basis, to respond by choosing Him. Ever read John Owen’s Mortification of Sin? A favorite book of mine in dealing with this tension of what He’s done and what we therefore do. So I need to be sending real email as opposed to simply responding to blog posts. Sounds like there’s a lot happening on your end of things.

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