Anthemning His name…..

the ramblings of a child of the King….

me monster…

Brian Regan is my favorite comedian – for a few reasons.

1) Totally clean.  I’d be comfortable sitting at one of his shows with my mom, goggy (grandma), future (Lord willing!) kids, or pastor.

2) Hilarious observations of life that are often so applicable and quotable.

3) Michael Jerrell introduced me to him during undergrad at UF, so I at once associate Brian with all things Gainesville, Gator, and good 🙂

This is a clip from one of his shows talking about the Me Monster. Reminds me of myself often enough.


Brent Detwiler has this list of the fruits of pride and some of them totally caught me off guard, and yet totally make sense when I examine my heart honestly.

Love to Reveal My Mind (Proverbs 18:2)
 “I like to reveal my own mind. I have an answer for practically every situation and an opinion on every subject. I feel compelled to balance everyone else out and let them know my thoughts.”

1)Love to Reveal My Mind (Proverbs 18:2) “I like to reveal my own mind. I have an answer for practically every situation and an opinion on every subject. I feel compelled to balance everyone else out and let them know my thoughts.”

2) Don‟t Listen to Ordinary People “I have a hard time listening to ordinary people. I listen better to those I respect or people I am wanting to leave with a good impression. I don‟t honestly listen when someone else is speaking because I am usually planning what I am going to say next.”

3) Interruptive “I interrupt people regularly. I don‟t let people finish what they are saying.”

Oh pride.  What a vicious sin you are.  You and I fight daily, and, often enough, you win the small fights.  But I take heart, because Christ has already overcome my sin.  He has vanquished it and of this I am certain.

1 Comment»

  Marty wrote @

I love the Pop Tart bit!
I read the 50 fruits list on Jessica Caldwell’s blog…ouch!

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